MATH 3235 Probability Theory
Spring 2023
TR 14:00-15:15 Skiles
Office Hours: TR 17:00-18:00, Skiles 133b.
General Information
This course is meant to provide an introduction to Probability Theory for student in mathematics. The focus will be on the basic ideas of probability and on the fundamental mathematical results of the theory as well as their application in real world situations. Thus, this class will contain formal definitions and rigorous proofs together with applications.
MATH 2551 or MATH 2X51 or MATH 2561 or MATH 2401 or MATH 24X1 or MATH 2411 or MATH 2605 or MATH 2550) AND (MATH 2106 or CS 2051 or MATH 3012
Course Goals and Learning Outcomes;
My goal is to teach you to basics notion of Probability Theory. This starts with the notion of a probability model and how to build such a model to describe a real situation. This will include a overview of the most important examples such as binomial, Poisson, exponential and normal models. After this I will discuss the basic conceptual tool to analyze this models, such as conditioning and independence. Finally I will discuss the most important results of basic probability: the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. Time permitting I will introduce the simplest examples of stochastic processes: Markov chains and random walks together with their basics properties. At the end of the class, you will be able to develop and analyze rigorously a probabilistic argument.
Course Requirements and Grading
There will be two midterms and one final. The midterms and final will be in a take home format. I will post a set of exercises meant to use the material learnt in class. You will have a couple of days to work out the exercises. During this period I'll be available to answer questions. The date of the midterms are tentatively set for Tuesday February 28 and Tuesday April 4.
I will also assign homework from the textbook. This are mostly meant to check that you are following along with the class material.
The final grade will be based on HWs (10%), midterms (50%) and final (40%). I final score of 90% will grant an A while a final score of 80% will grant a B.
We will also discuss personal projects to be completed together with the final. To prepare a good project it is necessary to start as soon as possible. I can propose subjects for possible projects but I'd prefer if you find a problem involving probability theory that you are interested in and that can be analyzed with the tools you will learn in class.
Course Materials
The class text book is:
G. Grimmett and D. Welsh, Probability: An Introduction.
Oxford, 2nd Edition
Web page
The weekly evolution of the class will be posted on the class web page, together with HW and extra class material. You can also check the we pages of previous editions of this class: Spring 2020, Spring 2021 and Fall 2022.
Topic Outline:
- Basics: The probability framework, Conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem, Independent events.
- Random Variables: Discrete and Continuous r.v., Joint distributions, Expectations, variance, covariance
- Convergence Theorems: Convergence in probability and in distribution, Law of Large Numbers, Central Limit Theorem, Large deviations.
- Optional arguments (time permitting): Markov Chains, Random Walks, Convergence to Equilibrium.
Class development:
First and Second week.
Material covered: Chapter 1 sections 1.1 to 1.9.
Lecture notes: 1/17, 1/19
Exercises: 1.10, 1.17, 1.21, 1.27, 1.30, 1.44, 1.52.
Problems: 9, 14, 17.
First HW collection: 1/26
Solution set for the first HW.
Third week.
Chapter 2 sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.4.
Lecture notes: 1/24, 1/26
Exercises: 2.10, 2.11, 2.24.
Forth week.
Material covered: Chapter 2 sections 2.3 and 2.5
Lecture notes: 1/31, 2/2
Exercises: 2.10, 2.11
Problems for Chapter 2: 4, 5, 7.
Second HW collection: 2/9
Fifth week.
Material covered: Chapter 3 section 3.1 to 3.5
Lecture notes: 2/7, 2/9
Exercises: 3.8, 3.25, 3.42.
Problems for Chapter 3: 4, 7.
Solution set for the second HW.
Sixth week.
Material covered: Chapter 4 section 4.1 and 4.4 and Chapter 5 section 5.1.
Lecture notes: 2/14, 2/16
Exercises: 4.18, 4.41, 5.13.
Problems for Chapter 4: 5.
The first midterm will be posted on Tuesday February 28 and due on Thursday March 2 before class. It will cover Chapter 1 to 5.1 of the book. Here is some practice material from previous years: Spring 19, Spring 20, Spring 21 (take home). Some more examples thanks to prof. Houdré: Spring 18 and Fall 18.
Third HW collection: 2/23.Solution set for the third HW.
Seventh week.
Material covered: Chapter 5 sections 5.2 to 5.4, Review for midterm.
Lecture notes: 2/21, 2/23
Exercises: 5.18, 5.30, 5.32.
Problems for Chapter 5: 7, 11
Eighth week.
Material covered: Chapter 5 sections 5.5 to 5.7.
Lecture notes: 2/28, 3/2
Exercises: : 5.54.
Solution set for the first midterm.
Ninth week.
Material covered: Midterm solutions and Chapter 6 sections 6.1 to 6.2.
Lecture notes: 3/7, 3/9
Exercises: 6.14, 6.26.
Forth HW collection: 3/24.
Tenth week.
Material covered: Chapter 6 sections 6.3 to 6.7.
Lecture notes: 3/14, 3/16. Class recording: 3/16.
Exercises: 6.36, 6.45, 6.55, 6.61, 6.70.
Problems for Chapter 6: 6, 20
The second midterm will be posted on Tuesday April 4th and due Thursday April 6th. It will cover up to Chapter 6.7 and concentrate on Chapter 5 and 6 of the book. Here is some practice material from previous years: Spring 19, Spring 20, Spring 21 (take home). Some more examples thanks to prof. Houdré: Spring 18 and Fall 18.
Eleventh week.
Material covered: Chapter 6 section 8 and Chapter 7 sections 2 to 4.
Lecture notes: 3/28, 3/30.
Exercises: 7.10, 7.36.
Solution set for the forth HW.
Fifth HW collection: 4/11.
Twelfth week.
Material covered: Chapter 7 sections 5 (without Jensen inequality) and Chapter 8 sections 1, 2.
Lecture notes: 4/4, 4/6.
Exercises: 7.60, 7.75, 8.10, 8.11, 8.21
Problems for chapter 7: 8, 11.
Solution set for the second midterm.
Solution set for the fifth HW.
Thirteenth week.
Material covered: Chapter 7 section 6 and Chapter 8 sections 3.
Lecture notes: 4/11, 4/13.
Exercises: 8.32
Problems for chapter 8: 5, 14
Fourteenth week.
Material covered: Chapter 8 section 5 and Chapter 10 section 4.
Lecture notes: 4/18, 4/20.
Fifteenth week.
Material covered: Class review
Lecture notes: 4/25.
The final will be posted on Sunday 4/30 around noon and will be due on Thursday 5/2 before 5:30pm. It will cover from Chapter 1 to Chapter 8 included. Here is some practice material from previous years: Spring 19, Spring 21.