MATH 6702 Math Methods in Applied Sciences II
Spring 2012
Tuesday 8:30-10:00, Wednesday 11:00-12:30 Brown room.
Office Hours: TW 10-11, room 215.
Review of vector calculus and and its application to partial
differential equations'
The text that will be used is:
Engineering Mathematics by Dennis G. Zill, Warren S.
Wright, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
The syllabus can be found here.
There will be two midterm.
The exercise listed are for HW collection. I will collect them
two weeks and grade 2 or 3 exercises among the one assigned.
The final grade will be based on the following rules: 45%
final, 35%
midterms, 20% HW. Curving will be done on the final result.
Arguments covered.
- Multidimensional Calculus
- Curves and surfaces, gradients, divergence and curl
- Taylor expansions in IR3
- Divergence and Stokes theorem
- Classification of partial differential equations
- The concept of well-posed problems
- Potential Problems
- Derivation of Laplace's equation; Dirichlet and Neumann
- The maximum principle and uniqueness of solutions
- Green's identities and Green's functions for selected domains
- Connections to variational problems and complex variables
- Parabolic Problems
- Derivation of the heat equation in IR3; discussion of
boundary and initial conditions; the maximum principle for the heat
equation and uniqueness of solutions; fundamental solution for pure
initial value problems; Duhamel's principle for inhomogeneous equations
- Hyperbolic Problems
- The concept of characteristics for a single first order
- Solution of initial value problems; the concept of a shock
- D'Alembert solution of the wave equation; Huyghen's principle
and the solution of the wave equation in IR3
First week
Material covered:
- 9.1 Vector Function
- 9.2 Motion on a curve
- 9.3 Curvature and component of the acceleration
- (9.1): 19, 26, 31, 36
- (9.2): 6, 8, 17, 20
- (9.3): 4, 21, 22
Second week
Material covered:
- 9.4 Partial Derivatives
- 9.5 Directional Derivative
- 9.6 Tangent Planes and Normal Lines
- (9.4): 33, 43, 55
- (9.5): 29, 39, 40
- (9.6): 21, 22, 38
Third week
Material covered:
- 9.7 Curl and Divergence
- 9.8 Line Integrals
- 9.9 Independence of the Path
- (9.7): 36, 43, 44
- (9.8): 30, 37, 39
- (9.9): 17, 18, 21
Fourth week
Material covered:
- 9.10 Double Integrals
- 9.11 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
- 9.15 Triple Integrals
Fifth week
Material covered:
- 9.12 Green’s Theorem
- 9.13 Surface Integrals
- 9.14 Stokes’ Theorem
- (9.12): 8, 12, 27, 28
- (9.13): 13, 18, 43
- (9.14): 8, 15, 18
Sixth week
Material covered:
- 12.2 Fourier Series
- 12.3 Fourier Sine and Cosine Series
- (12.2): 4, 5, 10, 14
- (12.3): 5, 6, 8, 29, 31
Seventh week
Material covered:
- 12.2 Complex Fourier Series
- 13.1 Separable Differential Equation
- (12.4): 3, 6 ,7
- (13.1): 3, 6, 7, 8, 12
Eighth week
Material covered:
- 13.2 Classical PDEs and Boundary Value Problem
- 13.3 Heat Equation
- (13.2): 1, 3, 5, 8, 10
- (13.3): 4, 6, 7
Nineth week
Material covered:
- 13.4 Wave Equation
- 13.5 Potential Equation
- (13.4): 4, 7, 9, 12
- (13.5): 3, 7, 16, 17
The next homework will be due on Wednesday April 4th. We will have a second midterm on Tuesday April 24th based on the second part of the class.
Initial proposals for projects for the finals.